For two years, negative headlines against Loredana Zefi (25) of Lucerna accumulated. Now, the scandal rapper unleashes it: “This year could not have been better for me. I’ve been more successful than last year. “
The Kosovar woman was involved in an alleged fraud scandal and the Lucerne prosecutor’s office was investigating her. The accusation: Loredana and her brother are said to have stolen around 700,000 francs from a Valais couple with crazy stories of lies. However, in September he reached an out-of-court settlement with his alleged victim Petra Z. *. The deal: Petra Z. got some of her money back, but pulled the ad.
Loredana doesn’t want to be a role model
Today Loredana has a clear opinion on the fraud accusations. “I’m not there to give a good image,” he says in an interview with “SRF Virus.” You also don’t know why it is important for other people to know the truth. “Nobody knows, except the prosecutor, me and this lady,” he says and adds: “I think we understand each other, that we found a way together and that they did not expel me, it says it all.”
The scandal rapper emphasizes: “Now I would have a chance to tell my story, and I’m one hundred percent sure a lot of people would then say, ‘Shit, we shouldn’t have been so hasty.’ But that’s not his goal: “I never wanted anyone to change their mind. After all, everyone already had their prejudices against me. “
“Now we have a reason why we can hate her”
Zefi also believes that many of these people did not like him from the beginning. When the accusations of fraud against them became strong, these people thought, “Great, now we have a reason why we can hate them.”
She doesn’t care what other people think of her. After all, she is only here to make music. However, she does not always feel that she is taken seriously as an artist in Switzerland. Over and over again he hears comments like: “He can’t sing, he can’t rap, he can’t do anything. She just succeeds. “The 25-year-old emphasizes:” Nowhere in the world can you be successful without a talent. ”
A look at your bank account also shows this: “We don’t have to discuss the fact that I earn well.” As she says, earn more than enough. “It is enough to help my family and other people. It’s more than you really need. “(Frk)