The trailer of a delivery truck overturned on the H19 Oberalpstrasse in Laax on Saturday afternoon. An oncoming vehicle collided with him. Three people were injured in the process.
On Saturday afternoon at 2.30pm, a 39-year-old driver was driving a combination of vehicles consisting of a delivery van and trailer on Oberalpstrasse H19 from Laax in the direction of Ilanz. At the same time, a 55-year-old driver of a car was driving in the opposite lane with two vehicle occupants. On the outskirts of Fletg, the trailer laden with furniture began to lurch around a curve to the right, eventually leading to the trailer rolling over in the opposite lane. As a result, there was a frontal collision with the passenger car.
The three occupants of the vehicle were injured by the violent impact. After emergency medical measures in place, they were taken to hospital by ambulance in Ilanz. There was considerable damage to the vehicle. At the time of the accident, Oberalpstrasse H19 was closed to traffic. A bypass was installed for passenger traffic. Obstacles to traffic in both directions were unavoidable. The Cantonal Police of Graubünden will clarify the exact course of the accident.