Shortly before retirement, money saved throughout life goes to the community. This was reported by the SRF program “Kassensturz” on Tuesday. The editors have documents that prove that several municipalities in Aargau require people in need, if they retire early, to dissolve their occupational pension plans and thus reimburse their social assistance.
Supervisory claim against Wettingen
The show quotes a welfare recipient from Beinwil im Freiamt, who was ordered to do just that this summer. This practice is also known in Wettingen: a supervisory complaint against Wettingen has been filed with the canton on the basis of an order.
Almost six years ago, in early 2015, the “Kassensturz” once reported on the subject. At the time, Social Affairs Director Yvonne Feri said on behalf of the Wettingen community that no one in Wettingen would be forced to withdraw pension funds early to pay off welfare debts.
Experts criticize the approach
The Independent Specialized Office for Social Welfare Law (UFS) and an expert in social security criticize the actions of the municipalities, saying that they are inappropriate, since the assets of the pension funds serve to ensure old age. And the goal of welfare is to get people back to independence, not the other way around.
In Zurich, what happens in the Aargau communities is prohibited. The Aargau also needs improvement, says the social welfare expert.
Gallati: “At the discretion of the municipalities”
It is at the discretion of municipalities whether to maintain this approach or refrain from repaying social assistance through retirement savings, says social director Jean-Pierre Gallati in an interview with “Kassensturz”. This occurs in accordance with cantonal social legislation and is supported by the jurisprudence of the administrative court.
Communities have a certain autonomy in this matter, so it is handled differently. The demand for standardization is justified and is under review. It is unclear whether this will require new legislation, Gallati says.