Due to the increase in the number of crown, the canton of St. Gallen is making two decisions: starting this Friday, the bars and clubs of the canton of St. Gallen will be responsible for locating contacts. A mask requirement is recommended for secondary and professional schools. The reason: Cantonal contact trackers are overloaded, says health director Bruno Damann.
(brother / sister) The canton of St. Gallen will take on even more responsibility for bars and clubs in the future. According to St. Gallen’s health director Bruno Damann, the canton’s bars and clubs are required to send quarantine information to contact persons with immediate effect according to the instructions of the cantonal medical office. “Bars and clubs must notify the cantonal medical office within 48 hours,” says Damann.
Why is the canton transferring contact tracing in bars and clubs? Damann says:
“Due to the increasing number of cases in the canton, our contact trackers are overloaded.”
The large number of people in the clubs and bars posed a particular challenge for contact trackers. There was no reason why the canton now includes more clubs and bars in contact tracing, says Damann.
Can clubs and bars even collect contact details as required by the canton? Damann says: “Since guests have to leave their contact details anyway, this will be possible for bar and club operators.”
Limited mask requirement recommended in cantonal schools
As a preventive measure, the government has decided to recommend a limited mask requirement for high schools and vocational schools. This for the time after the fall break, and thus at the beginning of cold and flu season. What does the limited mask requirement mean? “The limited mask requirement is valid in traffic areas, including especially entrance areas, hallways, bathrooms and dining rooms,” the canton wrote in a press release Friday morning.
The limited mask requirement can be mandated by the schools themselves, which means regional differences can be taken into account. It also says:
“In classrooms, however, it is not necessary to wear masks as long as fixed places are occupied or the protective distance is maintained.”
The government remains convinced that hygiene measures are the best way for the population to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. You want to consider a mask requirement in public access rooms, as has been introduced in other cantons in Switzerland, if the situation worsens significantly.
Young people in particular are affected
The number of new coronavirus infections reported daily in the canton of St. Gallen has increased slightly since the beginning of September. In early August, the Cantonal Medical Office counted two to eleven confirmed cases per day. At the end of September, there were between seven and 28 cases a day. The positivity rate is between two and three percent. “This development is in line with expectations,” writes the canton. The number of people suffering from the coronavirus and who must be treated in the hospital is also low. The availability of hospital capacities for patients with Covid19 and
-The patient is very good.
The increasing number of cases is mainly due to infections in people between the ages of 18 and 30. The canton writes:
“This is probably one of the reasons that hospitals are currently dealing with few corona cases.”
However, the government notes with concern that many young people are becoming increasingly neglected in the current pandemic situation. In particular, when greeting or celebrating, many young people no longer meet the distance requirements and hygiene recommendations.