Icy road and a flamethrower: what could go wrong?


Timothy Browning had an ice-filled driveway, a flamethrower, and a Facebook account. What follows is clear. You can see the dangerous action in the video above. Please, please don’t imitate.

Start of winter in Switzerland

If you really take the cat EVERYWHERE …

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The big lie of 5G

Blazing fast internet no matter where you are – a tempting prospect, but we should be suspicious of the promise of salvation around 5G. Here are the most important points of criticism and open questions.

I’ve been thinking about writing a journalistic contribution critical to 5G for a long time. But somehow the last incentive was missing.

Then came Elektra.

Elektra wagon wheel. What name. But that’s not the point here. This is the harsh analysis that the German hacker posted on golem.de.

As a digital publisher, can you be critical of a technology that is supposed to be absolutely revolutionary? I think you not only have permission, you have to!

Although once …

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