Next season, no team should be relegated from the National League. Image: KEYSTONE
Eismeister Zaugg
No drop next season: the decision will be made on May 11
The calendar has finally been set: on May 11, the representatives of the club at the Bern hockey temple will decide on the most important emergency measure for next season: not to descend from the National League and the Swiss League. And SCB’s new board of directors and proud SCB co-owner Mark Streit have already stood between the fronts.
May 11 is, so to speak, a “national day of liberation.” Many stores are reopened and democracy is revived: numerous municipalities have submitted a request to convene meetings of ordinary residents as of this date.
Under the statutes, hockey chiefs could also hold their league meeting via video conference. But the agenda is so important that a desire to have a royal league meeting has been expressed everywhere. The prudent president of the association, Michael Rindlisbacher, as is his exemplary manner, leaves nothing to chance. It submitted a request to the government responsible for the Bern government last Thursday. One should allow the representatives of the 12 clubs of the National League and the 12 clubs of the Swiss League to meet on Bernese soil. In order to maintain the safety distance, the Bern Hockey Hockey Temple (PostFinance Arena) has been chosen as the meeting place. There is enough space there to place the men at an adequate distance. And virus crisis measures also ensure that they cannot get into each other’s hair.
The meeting will take place at the Bern Arena. Image: KEYSTONE
This is to prevent financially troubled clubs from spending money on “emergency and fear investments” (change of coaches, new foreign staff). The Swiss league gets a “Zückerli”: the winner of the second highest league can climb directly if it meets the economic, sports and infrastructure requirements. The same applies to the winner of the “MySports League”. The following season would be played with 13 teams. The suspension of the descent is limited to next season.
Is the quota for foreigners increased?
The decision requires a three-quarter majority, as it already affects next season. The application will most likely pass. Meanwhile, it is also clear that regulation on foreigners will again be a specific issue. The relevant league meeting is scheduled for June 17. The driving force behind the increase in the number of foreigners is SCB manager Marc Lüthi. With such an application, it failed upright because it wanted too much and too fast. He learned the lessons from that: he couldn’t pass the first time because he wanted more foreigners for the following season and clearly lost the required three-quarter majority for this.
Now he is acting smarter: the number of foreigners should only be increased for the post-next season (2021/22). Because it only affects the post-next season, only a simple majority is required. And that is possible with diligent lobbying. It is still unclear how many foreigners should be allowed. The proposal is currently being prepared. There is still some time until June 17.
SCB’s new co-owner Mark Streit is also on the agenda. Image: KEYSTONE
Under the “Miscellaneous” agenda item, “Fall Mark Streit” will become a problem on May 11. Mark Streit is a member of the board of directors of the association and now also a member of the board of directors and co-owner of SC Bern. Is that possible? Smart association president Michael Rindlisbacher says: “By statute, Mark Streit does not have to resign from the board of Swiss Ice Hockey. We will certainly address and discuss the issue of a dual mandate alongside Mark Streit and the entire Board of Directors soon. ”
The “dispute case”
The “club dispute” is already being discussed by the club bosses on May 11. The association’s president, who is obsessed with correction and formalism, stood between all fronts. As a former SCB board member and friend of Marc Lüthi, he owes his senior position to the SCB. Marc Lüthi absolutely wants to keep Mark Streit on the association’s board of directors. Therefore, it is not finally filtered and you are directly informed about what you think, say and do in the highest association body. And legally he is right.
But the other club bosses don’t like to see this mat (“SCB Mafia”). If Michael Rindlisbacher now tolerates Mark Streit’s legally correct, politically but highly sensitive double mandate, his mandate could come to an unexpected end rather than overtime in hockey. And so he hired a lawyer close to him to discuss the delicate case of the “dual brand dispute” with Marc Lüthi. Oh, what a great stone would fall from the heart of the president of the workers’ association if Mark Streit quickly and quickly resigned his mandate as a member of the association board on his own initiative …
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