586 patients suffering from Covid-19 are currently being treated in Swiss hospitals, in a few days it should be more than 1000.

Intensive care units in hospitals like here at the Center hospitalier universitaire vaudois (Chuv) are starting to fill up again.
Photo: Laurent Gillieron (Keystone)
Suddenly, things can happen very quickly, as the last few days have shown: the number of cases skyrockets, and individual hospitals like jin in Schwyz sound the alarm. But how many Covid-19 patients are hospitalized, how many are in intensive care units, how many are ventilated? Monday the federal government provided current figures for the first time – not in a weekly report like before, the one when it was published development lagged behind.

According to the Coordinated Medical Service of the Armed Forces, 586 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in Swiss hospitals. 97 of these people need intensive care, and 29 people were am monday a connected fan. The majority of Covid-19 patients registered according to dIeser Statistics the cantons of Vaud with 92, Zurich at 84, Bern at 69 and St. Gallen at 60. There were a total of 6353 beds on Monday free. According to the federal government, the total capacity of hospital beds in Switzerland is 22‘301.