Guillaume Hoarau says goodbye YB and talks about Manuela Frey


LOOK: Guillaume Hoarau, it’s over. Last business day as a YB employee. It must be a strange feeling.
Guillaume Hoarau: That’s right, there I am now. And it’s over (she sings the passage in which Frank Sinatra sings about the end and the “Final Curtain” in “My Way”, the last curtain that falls). It was a nice story. My heart is big and full of emotions during these incredible six years. That is the emotional level. The sports car: I think I did a good job. Definitely, four titles in six years is not bad at all. And being able to say au revoir with the victory in the cup was magical. One hundred percent. Also because I had time to digest the club’s decision. If this had been opened up to me on the eve of the final, it would have been very different. And above all I will say goodbye to the fans. With a musical greeting.

How was the next night? Short?
Works. I slept six hours. Thanks to Corona, you can’t party too much. Besides that, I’m getting too old for that (laughs). It was a beautiful night. I could say goodbye to everyone. But he was also strict. Because I organized everything. Once again. And in the end I took over the Uber service and took the guys home …
