Greens in Zurich distance themselves from their cantonal council


The Greens say that their member Urs Hans has strayed from their values. Now the party wants to discuss “the necessary steps” to deal with the rebound.

Zurich Cantonal Councilor Urs Hans (gp., Turbenthal) has repeatedly used the lectern in parliament to disseminate crude theories of the crown virus. Covid-19 is simply “a persistent flu that has been crowned by the media,” said the Tösstal farmer. There are “alarmisms”. “The decisive billionaires on our planet benefited from the crisis.” After all, they have the largest stock packages “in the Internet and pharmaceuticals industry.”

Urs Hans, Green Cantonal Council.

Urs Hans, Green Cantonal Council.


In an article in the “Tages-Anzeiger”, the notorious opponent of vaccination went further and came to increasingly absurd statements. Among other things, he criticized Bill Gates, the enemy of the crown conspiracy theorists. And he promoted alternative medicine. Among other things, he recommended “high doses of vitamin C” for the treatment of Covid-19, a scientifically unsustainable claim.

On Monday, he made accusations in the Cantonal Council against Anthony Fauci, the US government epidemiologist. Until the President-in-Office turned off the microphone because the talk time for a personal statement had expired.

“Without any basis”

The Zurich Greens administration and faction administration are now satisfied with their rebounds, which in the past have already been noted multiple times with misstatements about vaccination. In a message, the Greens distance themselves from Urs Hans’ statements. “His adventurous theses on the pandemic and the Covid-19 treatment have no scientific basis,” they write. In doing so, Hans moved away from green values. Green policy is carried out “by dealing with scientific facts”.

The Greens also support the measures taken by the authorities to protect the population. Now the party wants to discuss “the necessary steps” to deal with Urs Hans internally. Management does not indicate whether the exclusion of a party is also under debate.

Urs Hans has repeatedly made headlines. For example, in 2008 and 2009 the farmer refused to vaccinate his cattle against bluetongue; therefore, he violated the animal epidemic law. Hans dragged the case to federal court and lost.

The Greens are taciturn beyond the message. However, the question arises how it emerged that the 68-year-old organic farmer, who was unsuccessful in re-election in 2015 after eight years on the cantonal council, was re-elected as the leading candidate for last year’s elections.

The national councilor contradicts the presentation at the Fall 2018 Landboten that the party president and national councilor Marionna Schlatter asked him to do. Schlatter said he had worked internally to ensure a list was drawn up in the Winterthur-Land constituency, where the Greens were quite weak, nothing more.

Selection may have been limited. Behind Hans ran three greens that were not half as old as the organic farmer. He has always been highly committed to ecological issues, especially against genetic engineering and biodiversity, says Cantonal Councilor Renate Dürr, co-chair of the Winterthur District Greens, who are also responsible for the constituency. They knew that Hans was an opponent of vaccination and that he also saw some risk. It was impossible to predict what would happen to the corona virus and how it would degenerate for the Greens.

Hans insists on “facts”

Urs Hans has been a member of the Cantonal Council Justice and Public Security Commission for a year. Upon request, he declined to say whether he would draw any consequences after the clear separation of the faction and the party. For the third time on the subject of the coronavirus, he was taken to the lectern, this time because he felt betrayed by the “Tages-Anzeiger”. After his statements were authorized, some things were added and others were left out, he says.

Hans only talks about “facts”. Your group should take note of this first, then be open for discussion. They will be difficult conversations. Party President Schlatter says the Greens cannot conduct this debate in public, nor do they have a party exclusion from above. According to Renate Dürr, the Winterthur section will adhere to the decisions of the administration of the cantonal party and the parliamentary group.
