The stranger entered the Shell gas station in Muri near Bern on April 25, 2020 shortly before 5 pm and handed out a lottery ticket there. It was the perfect combination of numbers, as it turned out that night.
A few days later, the lucky man returned to the gas station store and was issued the so-called profit claim receipt. However, this never reached Swisslos. Even a call from the lottery company in early October did not help, Swisslos spokesman Willy Mesmer confirmed in a corresponding report in the “Berner Zeitung”.
In theory, an envelope postmarked Oct. 24 could arrive this week, Mesmer said. However, do not assume that this will be the case. The million should be redistributed to the cantonal lottery funds and benefit charitable projects.
According to Mesmer, lottery players often do not collect their winnings. “In fiscal year 2019, we report unclaimed profit of 13.7 million francs.” However, it is the sum of many small gains.