The patio heater divides the gastronomy and the opponents. In Corona’s harsh winter, many bars and restaurants depend on it. From an ecological point of view, radiant heaters, which are branded as climate killers, are problematic and therefore banned in Switzerland.
Really. Because the hosts are against the ban and want to use it. They say radiant heaters could save restaurants and livelihoods, reports the “SonntagsZeitung” (text behind the payment barrier). And he cites the example of Bern. The red-green government offers homeowners subsidized battery-operated heating pads, but prohibits radiant heaters of any kind on public property.
Zurich looser than Bern
Heating pad? They are not an alternative, says Bern city president Wirteverband in the report. “Its benefits are not relative to those of radiant heaters,” says Tobias Burkhalter. That is why it ignores the prohibition of the authorities. “I installed radiant heaters in my restaurants in the city of Bern despite legal uncertainty,” says Burkhalter. Because this winter is about “survival”.
Not so with Zurich hosts. Authorities have allowed CO2-neutral pellet radiant heaters for this winter. Electric patio heaters are still banned in the canton of Zurich. The beers in neighboring Aargau need not violate any prohibition. There, the cantonal government has allowed all owners in all municipalities to install radiant heaters and gas patio heaters.
Aargauer Beizen very busy
“Our restaurants are well attended these days,” says Bruno Lustenberger, president of Gastro Aargau, at the “SonntagsZeitung”.
According to Lustenberger, restaurants in Aargau communities near the border currently have more guests than usual, while German customers are visiting restaurants in Aargau. (aurochs)