Nothing against Klaus Schwab. The founder of the WEF accomplished great things, he is still doing it. Its World Economic Forum is a world-class spectacle. Anyone who can spend money and time, every year in January comes from all continents to the halls and halls of the Davos Meeting, creating and enjoying the crowd that makes the event so attractive: globalism in the provinces, pathetically intertwined. , even crowned by snow. covered mountain ranges.
In recognition of the fact that the world is always a little sick, Thomas Mann’s “Magic Mountain” could be used metaphorically: Klaus Schwab as Counselor Behrens, who puts the trumpet on his chest and back for his short-stay patient Hans Castorp, and tuberculosis was quickly diagnosed, although the extremely sensitive, if not delicate, figure of the naval engineer Castorp, Mann’s main character, is probably too flattering as a symbol to visitors to the WEF for commercial purposes.
No, nothing against Klaus Schwab, who presents his audience with world-class political figures – against horrible admission prices, which is why all participants feel like an elite, which admitted journalists in turn report to the WEF – “embedded” – and not to qualify as the money-venturing elite. By the way, the stay in Castorp’s sanatorium on the “Magic Mountain” was much cheaper: 160 francs a week, including sumptuous meals.
And yet, nothing against Klaus Schwab: he is a brilliant host. What does host mean? He is a salonnière, as he was known in the 19th century, as he has run the largest ballroom in the world since 1971, where he flatters and enchants his guests so that they don’t feel bigger, more important, or more splendid.
The fact that the Swiss Air Force ensures heavenly security also contributes to sublime self-assurance: the province protects the world, and Swiss soldiers may breathe a sigh of relief this year that the Schwab Circus, Corona Six complained, has to launch your tents in Singapore for once.
But what is the objection to this benefactor from a community who, in addition to speaking witty about the big picture, can also gain a lot from the romantic flurry of Swiss snow?
Klaus Schwab has gone into his head to save the world. He has just launched “Covid 19: The Great Reset”, a reversal plan for the wrong world, in which he intends to “restart our economic and social foundations” with the help of the year of the pandemic.
Global restructuring should begin immediately, proclaims creator Klaus Schwab: “We need an economic system that is more resilient, more inclusive and more sustainable.” Who could not agree with such words, because the aired message does not compromise with anything. Does Klaus Schwab at least please?
The ruler of the WEF receives the ruler of China, Xi Jinping, in Singapore. That’s nothing. So that I can show off: the mightiest of all mighty, my guest!
Klaus Schwab knows who to shake hands with to extend the warmest welcome: the Uighur oppressor, the jailer of all freedom-loving Chinese, the liquidator of democracy in Hong Kong, the threat to the democratic state of Taiwan, the aggressor wherever it is strategic or economical. It is an advantage, the communist copyist, buyer and thief of research results and manufacturing advances.
Xi Jinping’s empire is modern at the forefront: unfree people, free economy, under full digital control.
Fascism of the XXI century.
Of course, you have to talk to everyone in this complicated, networked world. So that he can also receive the rebirth of Mao, the Chinese digital Stalin. Klaus Schwab receives it.
The savior of the world wooed the destroyer of the world.
Of course it doesn’t work together. Anyone who undertakes it anyway will save the world as a sham. A Thomas Mann figure should also be mentioned here: Felix Krull, impostor of great stature and a very remarkable character.
In this regard, Klaus Schwab is entirely appropriate.
“Frank and free”: Armin Laschet – more democracy after Merkel’s democracy(05:50)