This was after criticism of the major event in the Persian Gulf re-emerged after a charge of serious bribery charges was launched in the United States. Top FIFA officials are said to have been bribed in connection with the World Cup awards in 2018 and 2022.
According to the indictment, three former FIFA officials have received undisclosed amounts of money to vote for Qatar. The World Cup host denies the allegations. Regarding a possible new World Cup award, Sepp Blatter said Sunday: “Only FIFA can lift this, no one else.” The judiciary cannot change that, Blatter seems convinced.
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However, lifting the Qatar World Cup around two and a half years before the winter tournament is considered highly unlikely. Valais Blatter was the current FIFA President in late 2010. Qatar finally won with 14: 8 votes from the then FIFA Executive Committee. Blatter later said he was in favor of the American bid.
Without the three presumably bought votes from South America, the outcome of the then President of FIFA would have decided the outcome of 11:11. «I had to deliver a note because it was an option. And the USA it was on the note, “Blatter said.
“After 41 years of FIFA, I am no longer surprised,” he said. However, it was no longer their job to judge “whether they got the money or not.” (kes)