Flavia Froes has been defending Brazil’s most powerful drug traffickers in court for more than twenty years. He has free access to the favelas of Rio and knows very well the mechanisms of the underworld. The criminal lawyer is afraid of nothing more than toads and spiders.
It’s already dark when Flavia Froes walks safely down the narrow and uneven path of a favela in the north of Rio de Janeiro in her six-inch-high stilettos covered in shimmering velvet. Pass heavily armed boys from the powerful drug gang Comando Vermelho. “A Doutora” (“the doctor”), as the 45-year-old lawyer is called here, greets everyone with a friendly smile and a handshake. Some are in the process of delivering cocaine, while others are bored. Your superiors are among Froes’s clientele. All the powerful drug traffickers in the city, regardless of their faction, have allowed him, according to his own statements, to defend himself in court for the last 24 years. Where the police dare not, they have free access. One message is enough to allow you to do so.