Fight Covid Pandemic: Scientists Warn Federal Council: Intensive Care Beds Will Only Last Four Weeks


Following new warnings from the Covid task force, Defense Minister Viola Amherd is pushing for stricter federal measures. The majority of the Federal Council wants to wait another week.

Federal Councilor Alain Berset calls on the cantons to take tough measures against the spread of the coronavirus.

Federal Councilor Alain Berset calls on the cantons to take tough measures against the spread of the coronavirus.

Photo: Peter Schneider (Keystone)

Just under four weeks. Until then, there should be enough beds in the intensive care units in Switzerland to accommodate all the Covid patients in need. Then in mid-November, the end is: capacity limits have been reached, each of the around 1,600 intensive care beds will be occupied, if crown numbers continue to rise as fast as they currently are.

This warning was brought to the Federal Council yesterday, Wednesday, behind closed doors, by scientists from the Covid working group, which the Federal Council itself created. They also presented their projection in writing to the members of the Federal Council, as reliable sources say.

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