Federal Council Plan Revealed: Restrictions for Family Events and Public Space ++ Nationwide Mask Requirement – Switzerland


The document is titled “Ordinance on measures in special situation to combat the Covid-19 epidemic.” It is the draft of the Federal Council with the anticipated tightening of the crown.

The Federal Council is likely to discuss and approve the ordinance on Sunday at its extraordinary meeting beginning at 11 am The public will be informed the same day.

And this is the plan of the Federal Council that CH Media has:

  • National mask requirement: Face masks must be worn in all indoor public areas. This not only applies to shops, but also to train stations, restaurants, and museums. In restaurants, bars and nightclubs, guests should only be able to remove their masks when they are sitting at a table or “standing in consumption areas and consuming food and beverages,” as the draft ordinance says.
  • Prohibition of gathering people in public space: Gatherings of more than 15 people in public spaces, that is, in public places, on walking paths and in parks, are prohibited. There is a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.
  • Mask requirement for events in family and friends: For private events involving more than 15 and a maximum of 100 people per invitation, the following applies: The organizer must collect the contact details of the participants. And participants must wear a mask when they are not in their seat to consume food or drinks. Food and drinks can only be consumed sitting down; seats must be assigned to individual people.
  • No private events in closed facilities: Private events with more than 100 people can only be held in public access facilities and businesses.
  • Sector obligation for events with up to 1000 people: If contact data is collected for events with more than 100 and up to a maximum of 1000 visitors, it is allowed, but a subdivision must be made into sectors with a maximum of 100 people.
  • Home office recommendation: “Employers observe the recommendations of the BAG regarding the fulfillment of work obligations from home,” it says in the regulation, that is: the federal government recommends the parent company as already in the closure.

When the new regulation comes into force it is still open. The Federal Council will consult the cantons in express consultation over the weekend.
