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- Parents of newborn children can enjoy a two-week paternity leave starting next year.
- The Federal Council has established that the amended ordinance will take effect on January 1, 2021.
- In September, Swiss voters approved paternity leave with 60.3 percent of the vote.
The Federal Council approved the necessary changes, as announced. For example, it was necessary to clarify the provisions of the Ordinance on the Income Compensation Act (EOV), which currently only applies to mothers. Parents are now included here too.
In addition, special provisions are added because paternity leave can be taken within the first six months after birth. However, in the case of maternity benefit, the right expires when the woman returns to work.
Further adjustments are necessary because mothers can postpone maternity allowance for at least three weeks if the baby needs to be treated in the hospital. This provision does not apply to parents. Unemployed parents are also entitled to paternity benefit.
sda / rehm; eglc
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