On key issues, Nicolas A. Rimoldi (25) is chronically at odds with the FDP leadership: for example, on the SVP’s restraint initiative, which former Lucerne Young Liberals vice president strongly supports. He regularly causes a stir at delegate assemblies. And on Twitter, the ethnology student, who recently joined the Auns’ board, messes with friend and foe at every opportunity.
This week, a “subpoena” flitted into Rimoldi’s mailbox: on Thursday he had to answer questions to the president of the Young Liberals of the Canton of Lucerne and the president of the FDP of the city of Lucerne.
It is about Rimoldi’s “interpersonal behavior”, which lacks the necessary respect and decency towards party members and those who think differently.
Rimoldi waits for a broken plate
“My election to the Auns board of directors and my commitment to the limitation initiative were probably the famous barrel-breaking crash,” says Rimoldi. Wait for a broken plate. In the meeting there were all those who needed to “exclude” me. This after seven years of hard groundwork.
He has been massively criticized within the party for a long time. “Well deserved,” admits Rimoldi. It just doesn’t keep silent while the party leadership ruins freedom.
Even now, those called up cannot get out of the provocation: “Obviously, Petra Gössi’s FDP has problems with those who think differently in the game.” Rimoldi believes that the base is different: “He is against the ban on nuclear power plants, against the CO2 law and against the framework agreement.” If you are excluded, you will not simply accept it. “The base of the party is boiling.”
The Lucerne Young Freisans didn’t want to talk to SonntagsBlick.