Ems-Dok TV review: Blocher also does business with “sinners”


A documentary raises the question of how Ems-Chemie profited from Nazi chemists in their success story. Christoph Blocher lets us look deeply.

“Is that so semi-criminal?” Christoph Blocher in Hansjürg Zumstein’s documentary.

Photo: SRF Screenshot

That’s worrisome, says one of the historians interviewed. And that’s really what they tell us in the new documentary about the Ems-Chemie success story. Even if, after decades of being overthrown, one knows a lot about Switzerland’s entanglement with the Nazi regime. At least so much that no one can say that there was nothing there.

“Is that half a crime?” Asks Christoph Blocher when it only glows slightly on a dark black at the beginning of the Hansjürg Zumstein documentary. The question does not come out of nowhere, because Zumstein’s film is about whether Ems-Chemie benefited from the Nazis’ knowledge and how he benefited. What crimes have been repressed in this context. And what role had the Social Democrat Robert Grimm, once the driving force behind the 1918 national strike, played?

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