Massive blood thinning can save lives in Covid 19 patients who need hospital treatment. The case of a patient at the Emmental Hospital was the beginning of this finding. Meanwhile, the case has been published in the international journal Thrombosis Research.
Therefore, the healthy and cheerful pensioner went to the hospital in early March due to respiratory problems and fever. He was treated in an isolation room. After six days, his health deteriorated rapidly; He had to be transferred to the intensive care unit and artificially ventilated.
Leaving the intensive care unit after three weeks.
Blood samples during intensive care showed a massive increase in certain blood clotting factors. Against the increased risk of thrombosis, the patient received the anticoagulant medication in much higher doses than usual.
With this treatment there was a slow but constant improvement. The patient was able to leave the intensive care unit after approximately three weeks.
Hemotologist Robert Escher, head of the Emmental Hospital medical clinic, is co-author of the article in “Thrombosis Research”. According to the hospital, the case not only led to new treatment findings at Emmental Hospital, because research is being carried out worldwide in this direction.
Hope to lower mortality
Therefore, it is irrelevant to the blood specialist Escher if he was the first doctor to successfully use this strong blood thinning against Covid-19. The new treatment guidelines and the resulting hope for Covid 19 patients are much more important to him, he explains in the hospital statement.
“We dilute the patient’s blood much more to maintain blood flow. Many publications from other research groups have made the same observations and corresponding recommendations for blood clotting. ” The hope was that this would significantly reduce mortality. (SDA)