He’s back: President Donald Trump delivered a campaign speech for the first time Monday after a forced hiatus of nearly two weeks. At a Florida state airport, he boasted to thousands of followers that he had made a full recovery from his illness with Covid-19.
Maybe it was just a joke. On Monday, during the first campaign appearance since his illness with Covid-19, Donald Trump announced: Because he has now recovered and is feeling really “strong”, he would like to join the audience, and everyone present, “the men “and Give” beautiful women “a big kiss.
“The good thing is that I went through that. Now they say that I am immune. I feel so powerful. I will go into that audience. I will go in there, I will kiss everyone in that audience. Kiss the boys and the beautiful women, everyone,” Trump in Florida, 11 days after announcing it has coronavirus pic.twitter.com/4ZQH0mBAU0
– Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) October 12, 2020
Trump at least refrained from putting his ad into action and coming into direct contact with the thousands of viewers who had gathered at an airport in the greater Orlando, Florida area. But during his speech, which lasted about 60 minutes, it became clear that the president has no interest in starting a new chapter in the final phase of the electoral campaign. The new Trump, who had to spend three days in a military hospital near Washington after his test came back positive, is the old Trump. He exaggerated that he was now immune, promised a quick end to the health crisis, and covered his political opponents with acid criticism and wild claims.
It was notable that Trump read his speech in much of the teleprompters and spent relatively little time talking about economic policy plans for his second term, should he be reelected. He told the audience that he would do everything possible to stimulate the economy in his foster home, Florida. In the Orlando metropolitan area, however, the promised rapid rebound is faltering, also because the region relies heavily on tourism. According to provisional figures, the unemployment rate in August was 11 percent, almost four points higher than in all of Florida.
The local newspaper “Orlando Sentinel” estimated the number of those present at the Orlando Sanford International Airport at several thousand. Many did not wear face masks, despite standing or sitting together.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) can be seen without a mask patting the crowd at Trump’s rally in Florida. pic.twitter.com/XbOJ7XBZUh
– The count (@therecount) October 12, 2020
Anthony Fauci, the Trump administration’s top immunologist, had previously said that whoever organized such events wanted trouble. Trump’s camp, on the other hand, noted that the president delivered his speech outdoors at a mild temperature of 29 degrees Celsius, and that his campaign staff had distributed masks. Trump himself even threw face masks at the audience.
Personal Physician Says President Has Recovered
Trump announced Monday through his personal physician Sean Conley that he had tested negative for the corona virus on consecutive days, twelve days after he announced to the world that he and his wife Melania had contracted the virus. Conley also reaffirmed in a written statement that the President of the United States no longer poses a threat to others.
But since Trump still refuses to follow his own administration’s recommendations for crown behavior, he will not be surrounded by the usual crowd of journalists in the final phase of his election campaign. The “New York Times” reported on Monday that the main US media refused to accompany Trump on his election campaign trips in the presidential plane “Air Force One”, as is traditional. According to his electoral team, the president wants to appear in public as often as possible in the last three weeks until November 3. Trips to Pennsylvania, Iowa, North Carolina, Florida and Georgia are planned for this week only.