Director of customs: “We do not hunt tourists for shopping”


The population breathes deeply: as of today, relaxation has returned in many areas. But what does this mean in relation to the epidemic? What are the dangers? What are the next steps?

The following experts will answer your questions from 2 p.m.:

Daniel Koch, BOLSA delegate for COVID-19
Christian Bock, Director of the Federal Customs Administration, FDF
Cornelia Lüthy, Vice Director SEM, FDJP
Boris Zürcher, Head of SECO’s Labor Directorate
Markus Näf, Brigadier, Procurement Coordinator DDPS

BAG-Koch: “Epidemiological development is very good”

In addition to the number of crown cases, the number of hospital visits and deaths is also decreasing. According to Daniel Koch, delegate of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) for Covid-19, this is “very good news”. If this continues, there could be more relaxation soon.

“The development is very good, we can enjoy it,” Koch said to the Bundeshaus media on Monday. The population adhered to the recommendations “excellently”. The curve flattens strongly.

(Video: Keystone)

Loosening at the current borders

Since Monday, strict bans on entry into the Corona crisis have been relaxed. The economy is supposed to accelerate again.

It is now possible to reunite relatives for Swiss citizens, as well as for EU / Efta members living in Switzerland. Admission to the Swiss labor market is again allowed, with a focus on the EU / Efta and the health sector.

Customs does not hunt tourists for shopping

At the start of the crown pandemic, Switzerland closed around 130 border crossings. Since then it has reopened more than 20. More openings are to follow.

(Video: Keystone)

(Video: Keystone)
