Death after corona vaccination in Lucerne: connection according to Swissmedic “very unlikely”



Death after corona vaccination in Lucerne: connection according to Swissmedic “very unlikely”

A 91-year-old died in a Lucerne nursing home after a corona vaccination. This is confirmed by the responsible cantonal authority. Available information would indicate that pre-existing diseases are the cause of death, says the drug agency.

The news caused a lot of excitement on Wednesday: a person died in Switzerland after receiving a corona vaccine shortly before. This was reported by Christoph Pfluger, editor of the magazine “Zeit”. He is considered a skeptic of the crown. As he writes, a resident of a dementia care home in a conurbation community in Lucerne died five days after vaccination.

In the afternoon, the Lucerne Canton Health and Social Department confirmed that a person in a Lucerne nursing home died after a corona vaccination. Subsequently, the pharmaceutical authority Swissmedic announced that it had knowledge of this case. Now it will be clarified if the death occurred in connection with the Covid 19 vaccination.

All clear at night

In the evening, Swissmedic gave the go-ahead: “Investigations by the cantonal health authorities and Swissmedic have shown that due to the medical history and course of the disease, it is highly unlikely that there is a connection between death and vaccination. Covid-19, “writes the pharmaceutical authority. There is no direct causal relationship.

The person in question was 91 years old and died within days of the Covid 19 vaccination. The person suffered from several previous serious illnesses. The extensive information available indicated pre-existing diseases as a natural cause of death. This was also noted on the death certificate.

So far no unknown side effects

The pharmaceutical authority also claims that vaccines against the new coronavirus have yet to cause unknown side effects. At this time, there is no evidence of a change in the benefit-risk profile of the vaccine used.

There are many indications that death is a classic logical fallacy. If something happens after something else, it doesn’t mean it was caused by it. Or here, in this case: it is indisputable that the elderly patient died after the administration of the vaccine. But one should not simply assume that he had to die from the vaccination.

All statements are subject to change.

And more complicated, there may be a connection, but it doesn’t have to be causality. When the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine was tested, 11 percent of those vaccinated who received the placebo – not the vaccine but a saline solution – experienced the typical side effects at the injection site: swelling and redness. And 34 percent of the placebo group experienced more serious side effects like nausea, mild fever, and pain. The stress that occurs during vaccination may be more serious than you think.

However, this statement is also subject to change. This logical error – one confuses coincidence, that is, simultaneous occurrence, or correlativity, uniform movements in the data – with causality and assumes a cause and effect relationship that does not exist. The classic example: a greater occurrence of storks is observed and an increase in births is noted in the region.
