Daughter’s own abuse – Bergisch Gladbach abuse complex: 12 years for defendants – News


Abuse of her own daughter – Bergisch Gladbach complex abuse: 12 years for the accused – News – SRF

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  • At the abuse complex in Bergisch Gladbach, West Germany, a central defendant was sentenced to twelve years in prison.
  • The district court in Cologne found the 43-year-old father guilty of repeatedly abusing his daughter, who was born in 2017.
  • The court also ordered that the trained cook and the hotel specialist be placed on remand.

The charges were based primarily on photographs and videos he had taken of the crimes. The prosecutor said that he specifically used the times when his wife was not at home.

The 43-year-old had commented on the allegations during the trial, but behind closed doors. The lawyer representing the daughter had filed the application.

New dimension: more than 30,000 traces of suspects

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According to NRW Minister of Justice Peter Biesenbach (CDU), the Bergisch Gladbach abuse complex represents a new dimension in child abuse and child pornography for researchers. They uncovered around 30,000 traces and cover names related to an unknown number of suspects. The tracks are not only about the distribution and possession of child pornography, but also serious child abuse.

These are international networks of pedophile criminals focused on German-speaking countries. In group chats with thousands of users and on messaging services, the perpetrators dealt with their acts of abuse naturally, warmed up and gave each other advice, such as what sedatives to give to children to sexually abuse them. In these chats, dates would also be scheduled to abuse a child by multiple perpetrators.

So far, 72 suspects across Germany have been identified at the Bergisch Gladbach complex. Ten were in custody most recently. Seven charges have already been filed against eight people. The case began in October 2019 with the first search for one of the main suspects in Bergisch Gladbach, near Cologne.

The German is considered a key figure in the Bergisch Gladbach (North Rhine-Westphalia) abuse complex. When they did record it, not only were large amounts of child pornographic material discovered, but also many contacts with like-minded men who shared videos and images of serious child sexual abuse online.

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