The name change is as true as the Amen in the church: 60.6 percent of CVP members vote on a ballot for the name “the medium” proposed by the party leadership, and thus they persecute the C until the devil. The Junge CVP is even more open to the name change at 67.1 percent. The party questioned some 76,020 members between mid-September and mid-October.
CVP president Gerhard Pfister (58) was satisfied on Tuesday with the clear verdict and the high turnout rate of 27.2 percent in his eyes: “The yes ratio is remarkable. After all, the people questioned are members of the CVP and therefore naturally have fewer problems with C. “
Hidden regional differences
The party leadership has deliberately refrained from counting votes by canton, as is customary for federal votes, for example. “All of our cantonal parties must run for elections in the next four years and therefore must decide for themselves when they will hold the internal naming discussion,” Pfister explained. Presumably, the party leadership wanted to avoid the external impression of a divided party.
Because it can be assumed that the members of CVP Oberwallis have given the name change a clear rejection. His representative, CVP councilor Beat Rieder (57), warned on several occasions that the elimination of the “C” would be “the ruin of the party.” There are also some concerns at CVP Graubünden. The cantonal parties now have until 2025 to bury the “C”, if they want.
Clear the way for merger with the BDP
The name change is indisputable at the national level. CVP delegates can only cross out the name “die Mitte” at the November 28 delegates meeting, because the decisions of the strike vote are binding on the delegates.
This opens the way for the merger with the BDP, which CVP delegates will also decide on November 28. The BDP delegates make their decision two weeks in advance. Here, too, the party leaders have already taken a step: “The merger agreements have been signed and now only the approval of the delegates is missing,” said Pfister, visibly satisfied.