Better late than never. More and more cantons are reacting to the crown numbers, which have increased dramatically over the days. On Friday morning, for example, Graubünden, Thurgau and Basel-Stadt announced that they would expand the current requirement for masks.
But first they needed an ultimatum from the federal government. On Thursday, Federal President Simonetta Sommaruga (60) made the cantons aware. “The situation is worrying,” said Health Minister Alain Berset (48).
Does contact tracing work?
Is there a need for measures broader than the mask requirements and event restrictions? On Friday at 2 pm there will be another press conference with experts from the Confederation and the cantons. Virginie Masserey, head of the infection control section of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), must assess the epidemiological situation.
And Rudolf Hauri, Switzerland’s highest canton doctor, will likely speak about contact tracing and hospital capabilities.
What does the head of the working group say?
We are particularly excited to hear what Martin Ackermann said. He is the chairman of the Corona scientific working group that advises the federal government. Science, in particular, has been calling for stricter measures for days. What does Ackermann say about it?
Also present will be Boris Zürcher, head of the Labor Directorate of the Secretary of State for the Economy (Seco). It could give an idea of the current reduced work figures.
BLICK reports live from the ticker press conference and broadcasts on Blick TV.