Measures to contain the Corona virus could restrict the Swiss population for a long time. This is what Matthias Egger, head of the federal Covid-19 working group, says in the “NZZ am Sonntag”.
“We may have to continue living like this for two years or more,” says Egger, who also chairs the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation. By this he means distance, masks, hygiene, everything that is needed to stop the spread of the coronavirus. It may be a long time before a Covid-19 vaccine is found and normality returns.
Economic interests
If it had been for science, there would have been stricter rules for the partial lifting of the blockade on May 11, the newspaper continues. This emerges from documents of the Federal Council of Experts, which are now published online. “It is absolutely clear that economic interests play a role in these decisions,” Egger said in an interview.
Furthermore, the social consequences of confinement should also be included in decisions, not just in health protection. Even if the Federal Council is now investigating, “it is not a high risk strategy,” he says. “If the Swiss population adheres to the rules and concepts of protection, the number of reproductions can be expected to remain below one.” (gf)