Strict measures are in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Measures that limit society.
A challenge for the entire population: in an interview, cantonal doctor Thomas Steffen explains how we can master the second wave together.
Near the town
Every day, the media reports new infection numbers and drastic new measures are announced. Not a day goes by without the coronavirus worrying us. Together with Radio Basilisk and the Basel Department of Health, Telebasel now wants to get away from the raw facts.
Important issues are discussed with Canton Doctor Thomas Steffen and measurements determined. In an interview, he explains what the measures are and what triggers the pandemic in people and how the social challenge can be overcome.
The comparison of the first wave to the second wave, cantonal measurements, rapid tests, private events and meetings with friends and family – when speaking with the canton doctor, the focus is not on the facts, but on the people.
mistakes happen
In the conversation, Steffen emphasizes that it is important not to let the pandemic completely worry you. “Sometimes you’re in the old movie and that’s not so unhealthy if you can still feel it,” even the Basel canton doctor forgot to put on a mask in the bakery, as he says.
But what does Thomas Steffen do to distract himself from the everyday crown? “I try to do a lot of things that take me away from Corona,” Steffen listened to audiobooks and music. “And I have to feed my baby shrimp so they don’t starve,” Steffen said in an interview.
“I make sure I have a portion every day, that’s very important, otherwise I wouldn’t think I could hold out.” Thomas Steffen tells you that and much more in an interview with Radio Basilisk editor-in-chief Benjamin Bruni and Telebasel News editor Ariela Dürrenberger.
“Corona Update with Cantonal Doctor Steffen” – together until the second wave: first broadcast on December 4, 2020 at 12:15 pm and then every hour until 5:15 pm inclusive