On January 20, 2020, the Lucerne police searched a car with an attached freight trailer on the A2 motorway in Knutwil. Explosives, explosive waste and ignition devices were found to be transported without complying with relevant regulations. Meanwhile, the investigation has been completed. The Sursee prosecutor is conducting the investigation.
On Monday, January 20, 2020, shortly after 9:00 am, a Lucerne police patrol stopped a combination of vehicles on the A2 highway in Knutwil for inspection. Several dozen boxes of explosives were found to be transported in the passenger car and on the freight trailer. A total of 700 kg of explosives, 120 kg of explosive debris and ignition devices were found. This dangerous goods transport was not marked and sometimes the required equipment and documents were completely missing. The passenger car is not approved for the transport of explosives and the necessary additional insurance was missing.
Furthermore, it turned out that the seller had delivered the explosives to the driver of the vehicle without the explosives-related purchase certificate.
Meanwhile, the elaborate investigation has been completed. Four Swiss people between the ages of 42 and 61 are charged with various violations of the law.