Comment: Rupert’s vaccination is uncomfortable for Urs Martin



Rupert’s vaccination is uncomfortable for Urs Martin

The vaccination of the South African billionaire in Thurgau brings problems to the government adviser Urs Martin, although he did not know.

David was scared.

David was scared.

Drawing: Ralph Ribi

Government Councilor Urs Martin has a problem. Before the official start of the vaccination campaign, twelve test subjects were vaccinated in Münsterlingen. Among them was Johann Rupert, a partner in the Hirslanden Group, which carries out vaccinations on behalf of the canton of Thurgau. She is the former patron of the Government Councilor Urs Martin. But that’s the minor problem for him, especially since Urs Martin went on strike when ordering.

The biggest problem is Rupert. It is understandable that one is testing the new vaccine. The fact that there is a foreign billionaire among them is extremely uncomfortable. Urs Martin himself said in August in relation to the quarantine rule: “We treat VIPs like Mr. and Mrs. Meier.” Your political opponents will now happily slap you on the ears with this quote.

Thurgau’s health director says he was unaware that Johann Rupert was among the test subjects. You have to believe him as long as no one proves otherwise. But even in this case it is he who has to turn his head. The manager has to answer unpleasant questions. This is how it works in politics.

By vaccinating their partner, the Hirslanden Group has done their former employee a disservice.
