City of Lucerne: twice yes to BZO and Würzenbachmatte
The two municipal submissions from the city of Lucerne were approved by a very clear majority.
Voters in the city of Lucerne accepted the partial revision of the building and zoning regulations (BZO) with 76 percent of the vote in favor. The Würzenbachmatte zoning was also clearly approved with 63 percent. The aim of the partial review is, among other things, to allow construction projects, such as the expansion of the headquarters of the Luzerner Kantonalbank and CSS Versicherung, a residential development in Seeburg or projects of residential cooperatives, for example in the Industriestrasse or Geissenstein areas . In addition, the provisions of the protection zone at Site B, where demolition is hardly possible today, should be relaxed. These changes were hardly controversial beforehand.
The left refused to rezone in the Würzenbach
In contrast, the rezoning of the Würzenbachmatte area, which is currently in a public use zone, was more controversial. Therefore, a separate vote was taken. The reformed parish wants to build nursing homes in the area of the old post office. Greens and SP rejected the rezoning. They demanded an obligation for the area to build on a cooperative basis. That was originally the intention of the city council, but after the resistance of the parish, it abandoned these plans. Instead, it was agreed that the rent should be 10 percent lower than the average for the quarter.
Summary of current construction projects:
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