Children’s role in transmission of coronavirus remains uncertain


Larger studies are urgently needed, which should provide more information, the scientists write. Until then, uncertainties should be clearly communicated, also with a view to reopening schools and allowing sports activities.

“It cannot be ruled out that children can transmit the virus,” Matthias Egger, chairman of the Federal Task Force, told Bundeshaus media on Friday. However, they were infected less frequently than adults. The risk of infection is about a third as great as in adults.

“So this epidemic is not child-driven,” said Egger. They did not play a major role in this epidemic. Epidemiology Marcel Salathé also supported this statement.

“Sick children are contagious”

Therefore, there would be no problem if the schools were opened, Daniel Koch, federal delegate for Covid-19, emphasized his remarks of the past few weeks. “There will be no epidemic among children.” Hugging young children with grandparents is also not a problem.

Koch emphasized that his statements naturally apply to healthy children. “Sick children, of course, can transmit the virus.” But the sick children did not belong to the school or to the grandparents’ house.

In view of the decrease in the number of recently confirmed infections, it is planned to track down all infected people and their contact persons in Switzerland soon and quarantine them. The cantons are responsible for this.

This containment strategy is an attempt to strictly prevent the spread of the virus, Koch said. In the canton of Zug, which has always followed this strategy, the measure has been widely understood, as cantonal doctor Rudolf Hauri told the media in Bern. An order was only necessary in one case.

Before the parliament session

According to the plans of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), the quarantine lasts ten days. The most important thing is that everyone try not to transmit the virus and not get infected, Koch said. The rules of distance and hygiene are decisive.

Next week, federal councils will address the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on society and the economy. Discussions focus on supplemental loans in excess of 55 billion Swiss francs.

The extraordinary session begins on Monday and lasts a maximum of four days. It takes place at the Bernexpo exhibition center in Bern, so that council members can comply with distance and hygiene rules.

Fewer new infections

The number of new confirmed infections decreased again on Friday. In Switzerland and Liechtenstein, 119 people were infected in one day, less than in the previous days. The Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) reported 179 additional cases on Thursday, 143 of them on Wednesday.

According to the BAG, there were a total of 29,705 laboratory confirmed cases on Friday. The number of cases is subject to a weekly fluctuation with lower numbers on weekends.

The number of deaths associated with Covid-19 lung disease in all cantons combined was 1,754, according to the Keystone-SDA news agency on Friday night.

Keystone-SDA analyzes the official data available on the cantons’ websites and updates them twice a day, at noon and at night. According to this census, Obwalden and Appenzell-Innerrhoden are the only cantons without victims.
