Rick Bettua (59) is an underwater fisherman who likes to hunt big fish with his harpoon. But on Sunday lunchtime he goes from hunter to hunted: he is attacked by a shark and seriously injured! The attack occurred on the Great Barrier Reef, 140 kilometers north of the city of Townsville.
The bull shark catches the man on the thigh, the bite wounds are deep, Bettua is pulled into the boat by a friend, bleeding profusely. There he immediately applies a pressure bandage and, for the moment, saves his life, as a paramedic tells “9 News”. “That was absolutely crucial to saving his life.”
Because when the ship was finally able to get Bettua ashore, she had no pulse, says the paramedic. He was revived on the beach. Then a helicopter took him to the nearest hospital. There he was operated. His condition is critical, but stable.
Bettua has rescued shark victims herself
As reported by Australian media, Bettua was involved in a near-fatal shark attack. Three years ago Glenn Dickson was harpooned and lost a leg after being bitten by a bull shark. At that moment, it was Bettua who pulled the seriously injured diver out of the water and put a pressure bandage on him.
This year has been one of the worst for Australia in terms of shark attacks. So far, seven people have been killed by predatory fish, eight have been injured, some seriously. Just a few weeks ago, a 52-year-old surfer was killed by a shark in Western Australia. (SDA / neo)