A 29-year-old Russian crashed into a Tesla Sunday morning on the A3 near Brugg AG. The 29-year-old, who was driving a BMW, was drunk and, according to the cantonal police, at “excessively excessive speed”.
The accident occurred shortly after five in the morning. The drunk BMW driver got into the Tesla and violently pushed it toward the center barrier. There was material damage worth several thousand francs.
Driven against Tesla at 1.9 per thousand
Fortunately, neither the Tesla driver nor the person who caused the accident were injured in the violent crash. A first breath alcohol test showed a value of 1.9 per thousand in the 29-year-old. The responsible prosecutor for Brugg-Zurzach also ordered a blood and urine test on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
The driver’s license was taken from the person who caused the accident at the scene of the accident. Now the exact course of the accident will be clarified. (euc)