In the sequel to his hit movie “Borat,” comedian Sacha Baron Cohen uses a female lure to film Trump’s lawyer in an ambiguous pose on a hotel bed.

Can be seen reluctantly in the new Borat: Rudy Giuliani
The shark smile is remarkable. The young woman with a strong Eastern European accent, who supposedly hails from Kazakhstan, has just confessed her excitement and uncertainty at interviewing such a famous man. Rudy Giuliani, 76, a former New York mayor and now Trump’s attorney, smiles. And with barely concealed lust he says, “I’ll relax you, okay? You will do great. “
The young woman posing as a journalist for a right-wing conservative television channel is actually the Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova. He works for Sacha Baron Cohen and “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm,” the sequel to his worldwide hit “Borat,” which premieres on Amazon Prime on Friday. She plays the daughter of Borat, who, according to the film’s lurid plot, should first be forcibly sold to a powerful American, as a gift, but then develops her own ambitions to seduce Rudy Giuliani.
“Can you give me your phone number”
Now he tries to do the same in this real meeting, which initially has a professional interview setup in a hotel room with light and a camera. He’s barely finished, but Giuliani willingly follows the lure’s suggestion of a drink in the next bedroom. Hidden cameras are installed in the bedroom. “You can give me your phone number and address,” Giuliani says there, as Bakalova deliberately and awkwardly loosens the wiring on her microphone, which then opens her pants, flops onto the bed, and shoves her hands into her underwear.
At this point, however, when one finally wants to look away, Sacha Baron Cohen bursts into the room as Borat in a drag suit and offers himself as a sexual partner to “save” his daughter. And Giuliani, visibly confused, leaves the room, shaking his head.

Sacha Baron Cohen is back in her starring role as Borat.
Photo: Amazon Studios
The scene was filmed in a New York hotel room last July and was already in the news because Giuliani said he had called the police and the entire film crew fled. Since then, he made a statement in a radio interview with WABC in New York. “At no time before, during or after the interview did I behave inappropriately. If Sacha Baron Cohen claims otherwise, he is a cold-blooded liar. ”Giuliani also assures that Cohen has not fallen into the trap.
It looks different in the movie, to say the least. The viewer is almost grateful that the scene is interrupted at the most critical moment, and Sacha Baron Cohen can look forward to the headlines once again.
After all, his movies and TV shows have always lured people out with the promise that they are not only exposed in scenes filmed in documentaries, but also politicians and celebrities in precarious situations. Even his first fictional character, “Ali G,” a British rapper with an IQ that is no longer measurable, snuck into an interview with Donald Trump in 2003, which Trump interrupted and later described the character as a “complete idiot.” “.
Geheimwaffe Maria Bakalova
Since then, Cohen has repeatedly fallen prey to prominent politicians and conservatives, including Roy Moore, the controversial candidate for the Alabama Senate seat, in 2018. A Georgia politician even had to resign after repeatedly intimidating the “Showtime” series of Cohen. Sarah Palin, a former Alaska governor and a 2008 vice presidential candidate, was also the victim of a Cohen prank. So did Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The new film, however, also addresses the problem that these types of stunts are becoming increasingly difficult for Cohen himself. If he wears his typical gray Borat suit in public, he is constantly asked for autographs and even fans follow; you can also see details of that. Now he’s camouflaging himself with long beards and fake bellies, once wearing a thick suit and hiding behind a Donald Trump mask.
But his best new weapon is clearly Maria Bakalova, 25, who studied at the National Academy of Theater and Film in Sofia, Bulgaria. As Borat’s supposed 15-year-old daughter, she teases many of the most revealing scenes in the new film.