And it rumbled again. On Monday night, unknown perpetrators tried unsuccessfully to blow up an ATM at Coop in Bellach SW. Thomas Kummer, media spokesman for Canton Solothurn police: “During the night we received a message that an unknown perpetrator was tampering with an ATM.” Then several patrols were deployed. Police officers saw the attackers at work. When the strangers noticed the police, however, they fled, Krummer says. The search was unsuccessful.
Police cordoned off the area around the ATM for clues. In addition, several employees of the Fire and Detonation Department (BEX) of the Bern cantonal police were called.
Never before so many ATM robberies
This is not the first time ATM gangs have rebelled in the region. At the end of September, thieves tried to steal money from the machines four times with the same scam.
Mellingen AG: On the night of September 7, there was an attempted robbery when strangers set fire to an ATM. The arsonists fled without prey, the ATM withstood the flames.
On the night of September 28, strangers tried to blow up an ATM in Utzenstorf BE at 3.25 am Here they succeeded; it is not known how much is the sum of the looted money. The perpetrators were able to escape on a Vespa and were not caught.
On September 28, criminals in Vicosoprano GR stole an unknown amount of cash when they blew up an ATM in Bergell. The explosion caused material damage to the building by tens of thousands of francs. The perpetrators could not be identified.
Büren an der Aare BE, September 30: According to the neighbors, there were two blows, the fire brigade was called because of the dense smoke. The perpetrators were also able to escape here, they fled on a scooter. Police did not provide any information on the amount of loot.
Then an attempt at blowing up an ATM at Rothrist AG on October 1. According to eyewitnesses, two masked people went to work at the Coop gas station ATM at 3:30 am Police were alerted and the two assailants fled.
It is unclear if the attacks are from the same gang. (eb)