The Aargau canton police moved to Wohlen on Monday morning with a large contingent. Media spokesman Bernhard Graser confirmed this at the request of the AargauerZeitung: According to this, the police carried out two operations in Wohlen. One was a planned action. At the same time, the police followed a “suspicious perception” that had been reported.
Our local reporter reported that the police had cordoned off the area and the streets: “There are heavily armed officers at every intersection.” He also counted at least half a dozen police cars.
The Argus special unit also participated in both missions.
As confirmed by the Federal Office of Justice at the request of TeleM1, the cantonal police of Aargau arrested a man on behalf of the State of Lithuania for an alleged homicide. For this reason, Aargus’s special unit was there as well. The man might be overwhelmed at the local Lidl.
The concern and confusion arose because a local resident claims to have heard a gunshot at the same time. Therefore, the police offered additional units. According to police spokesman Bernhard Graser, the go-ahead could be given: no shot had been fired in Wohlen.
The detainee is now being questioned by the cantonal authorities. The Federal Office of Justice must decide whether to extradite him to Lithuania. (sam / jk)