A call from the US president to an extremist group during the television debate outraged American liberals. The “Proud Boys” now expect an increase in “new recruits.”
Donald Trump sparked enthusiasm on the far-right scene in America. When asked about the violent right-wing group “Proud Boys”, the President of the United States said during the televised debate with his challenger Joe Biden: “Stand back and wait” – “stop and get ready.” Trump went on to say that someone must do something about Antifa and the left. According to media reports, the group celebrated these statements on the courier services as “historic” and understood them as a request. An increase in “new recruits” can already be observed.
The moderator of the debate, Chris Wallace, had previously asked him on several occasions if he condemned the ideologues of the superiority of the white race (“white supremacists”) and the militant groups. Biden asked for it too. Trump responded with a typical “yes, but” strategy. He is willing to do so, but only sees problems with left-wing radicals. He wants to do everything for peace, but he does not know exactly who to condemn.
Trump’s remarks caused outrage among his opponents and many observers. The “Proud Boys” describe themselves as “a pro-Western fraternal organization for men” or “Western chauvinists.” The group was founded in response to the #Metoo debate that the enemy is the “politically correct left-wing elite”.
Outwardly, the men differ from the typical right-wing radicals, many come with hipster beards and modern short haircuts. They also publicly reject the accusation that they are racist, but like Trump they follow the “yes, but” logic. For example, towards Jews, Muslims or blacks. Everyone who is different is at least weird. Recently, according to media reports, a growing number of Cubans in exile and Venezuelans in exile have joined the group in their hatred of the political left. You advocate violence and have recently been involved several times in specific disputes surrounding the “Black Lives Matter” protests in the United States after the murder of the black man George Floyd by a police officer.
The “Proud Boys” recently called a pro-Trump rally in Portland, where protests against police violence against blacks were particularly strong. Instead of the expected thousands, only 200 protesters appeared, although some were armed with rifles. Jo Ann Hardesty, a Democratic councilor in Portland, accused the Proud Boys and other right-wing groups of wanting to create chaos and conflict. “We have to stop this,” he said.
Trump’s campaign team appeased
The Southern Poverty Law Center civil rights movement calls the Proud Boys a hate group. Facebook and Twitter have blocked their profiles several times in recent years. Jonathan Greenblatt, president of the Anti-Defamation League, which campaigns against discrimination against Jews in the United States, writes on Twitter: “The Proud Boys are a vicious part of American right-wing extremism.” Trump owes the United States an immediate apology or explanation.
However, Trump’s campaign team emphasized that the president had repeatedly condemned white racists for years. His spokesman Tim Murtaugh said Trump did that twice in debate. Furthermore, he announced last week that he would declare the notorious Ku Klux Klan a terrorist organization, no more clarity could be expected. Trump also wants to classify Antifa as a terrorist organization, to which the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, affirmed that this is not an organization, but an ideology or movement.