Against restrictions – Crown Demo at the Bundesplatz – News


  • Around 300 people demonstrated for fundamental rights in front of the Federal Palace on Saturday afternoon, even in times of the crown pandemic.
  • According to federal crown regulation, the ban on meetings still applies in Switzerland.
  • Police first granted protesters.
  • With a tape, the police officers slowly led the protesters away from the Bundesplatz.

The demonstration took place despite the current ban on the assembly, and was directed against it, among other things. The banners read, for example, “Freedom of assembly is guaranteed,” a quote from the federal constitution. Or “end of emergency” or “proportionality of measures”?

The police restrained themselves first; she was present at the edge of the plaza, reports an SRF reporter. Then the police officers began cleaning the place with the help of a barrier tape. They were able to persuade most of the protesters to stay away from the Bundesplatz, sometimes with talks.

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Participants in the rally were informed that current Federal Council regulation prohibits the rally, a police spokesman said at the request of the Keystone-SDA news agency. People have been repeatedly asked to leave the plaza. Personnel checks were then carried out on the participants in the demonstration, and they were threatened with a complaint.

Frustrated trial attempts on Friday

In Bern, cantonal police cut off protests on Friday. He carried out a series of personal checks in the rose garden and bear pit, as revealed by a glance at the Keystone-SDA news agency. Most of the youngsters apparently followed a call to move alone or in small groups from the rose garden through the bear pit to the old town.

Anyone traveling in small groups carried a banner or gave the impression of wanting to show that the police had already approached the rose garden or the Aargauerstalden.

Several people have been expelled and the police can also deport people in such cases, said a police spokeswoman for the news agency. Several small groups in Biel were also approached.
