After the KoVI-No: the bourgeoisie attacks aid organizations and NGOs


Citizens demand transparency about aid organizations: voting poster in front of a Nestle building. Image: keystone

After the no to the group initiative: the bourgeoisie attacks aid organizations and NGOs

The ultra-brief no to entrepreneurship intensifies polarization. The left wants to overturn the farms. And commoners turn against the Business Audit Commission (GPK) against aid organizations and the NGO.

Othmar von Matt / ch media

After the left wants to abolish the number of latifundia, the bourgeoisie now attacks non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Many had participated in the Campaign for Entrepreneurship (KVI). That is a thorn in the side of commoners.

They ask for a report from the Federal Council on the state funds that NGOs receive. The commercial review commission (GPK) should also be involved. And there is a political ban on NGOs that receive money from taxes.

CVP wants transparency with the Federal Council report

CVP representatives are the clearest. “With their commitment to the KVI, the NGOs have lost the trust of their opponents,” says CVP National Counselor Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter. “This trust can only be restored through transparency.” In one of its postulates, it requires a report from the Federal Council. It should show what activities the NGOs are funding, how and for what purposes. It should also be shown which political representatives sit in which bodies.

“Trust can only be restored through transparency”: CVP National Counselor Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter. Image: keystone

“You always talk about the business lobby in parliament, but nobody talks about the NGO lobby and its direct influence in parliament,” says Schneider. “An example is the Council of States Carlo Sommaruga as president of Solidar Suisse.” The relief organization that had to return the money to the Development and Cooperation Directorate (SDC) because it referred to the KVI in a study.

CVP National Councilors Marianne Binder and Philipp Bregy will also take action during Question Time on Monday. Binder claims to have clarified what state resources NGOs receive. Bregy emphasizes that the fact that he has become a true political force cannot in itself be criticized. However, information is needed on federal government services to NGOs. And information on whether a distinction is made between politically active and inactive NGOs.

The FDP ignites the examination commission

Representatives of the FDP also address the issue. “Now we want to look closely at NGOs and their cash flows,” says National Councilor Christa Markwalder. The Council of States Philippe Bauer made this issue the subject of the GPK. “Parliamentary administrative control should check whether other NGOs, in addition to Solidar Suisse, have used SDC funds for the KVI,” he says. The GPK FDFA subcommittee has already approved the request.

The FDP State Councilor, Ruedi Noser, had already tabled a motion in September. In it, he wants to know if the NGO tax exemption is still granted for not having profit motive if they are so politically committed. The motion is on the Council of States agenda next week.

The SVP is even considering a political ban for NGOs

The SVP is even considering a political ban on NGOs that receive tax money. “The fundamental question is whether NGOs and aid organizations use donations and bequests as donors expect,” says parliamentary group leader Thomas Aeschi.

Can NGOs that receive money from taxpayers no longer participate in voting and elections? That’s what Thomas Aeschi, leader of the SVP parliamentary group, is wondering. Image: keystone

He emphasizes that all associations in Switzerland can become politically active. “However, the question arises whether the NGOs that host taxpayers should not, in principle, be prohibited from participating politically in referendums and elections.”

What NGOs say about attacks against them

“In terms of transparency, there is absolutely no problem for us. We have nothing to hide, we are completely transparent, ”says Bern Nilles, CEO of Fastenopfer. “NGOs contribute to this society with recommendations. Switzerland should be proud of that. “

In many countries, people risked their lives for a functioning civil society. “It would be a great mistake to sacrifice some of our freedoms on the altar of short-term interests in the heated post-vote situation. We have fought hard for these freedoms »(

More from Sunday’s vote:


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