After 25 years: Easter Egg discovered in Windows 95


About 25 years after publication: A software developer has discovered a new Easter egg in Windows 95.
image: worldstockmarket

This Easter egg in Windows 95 was only discovered after more than 25 years

Microsoft introduced its Windows 95 operating system almost 26 years ago. That’s how long it took a Twitter user to discover a previously secret message. The Easter egg was hidden in a mail program.

Even after more than 25 years, there are still new things to discover with Microsoft’s Windows 95 operating system. A Twitter user named Albacore has now tracked down an alleged Easter egg that an unknown programmer had apparently hidden in the “Microsoft Internet Mail and News” mail program.

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“It is never too late to find Easter eggs”, Albacore writes on Twitter about his discovery and also explains how he found the hidden message. To find the Easter egg, you must call the help menu after starting the mail program. You can find a DLL file in the About dialog box. If you click on this and enter the word “Mortimer,” the credits appear in a new window listing the names of all the programmers.

This means that the Twitter user should be the first to discover the hidden message. At least the hidden message has yet to appear in any generic article listing known Easter eggs in Windows 95.

The Easter egg that has now been discovered was hidden in the mail program Outlook Express 4 until “Windows 98 build 1559”, as another Twitter user writes.

If you feel like clicking Windows 95, you can do so in your browser at the Internet Archive website. Alternatively, you can download the operating system as an application.

In the current Windows 10 operating system, hidden messages are searched to no avail. For security reasons, Microsoft officially stopped hiding Easter eggs in its products in 2002 as part of its Trustworthy Computing Initiative. Now, Easter eggs are only occasionally available in beta versions of the Windows Insider program. Windows users can test pre-release versions of the operating system.

(t-online / blu / oli)


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