The biggest festival in Aargau is boiling over. In two letters to the editor, which were printed in Thursday’s edition of the Aargauer Zeitung, there was a heavy shooting against party secretary Pascal Furer and party president Andreas Glarner. In one of the letters it says:
The lines were written by Meinrad Schraner, deputy minister von Laufenburg and a member of the SVP. In particular, he criticizes the attitude of his party towards the protection measures of the crown. This is because Aargau’s Senior Vice President Party Secretary Pascal Furer demanded shortly before the Grand Council elections that all measures against the spread of the virus be stopped and that citizens take full responsibility.
“This provocation in relation to the pandemic bothers me,” explains Schraner in an interview with regional broadcaster Tele M1. And the senior vice president is not alone with his criticism. In a second letter to the editor, Franz Frey, a member of SVP Lenzburg, wrote:
Councilor Vice President-elect Barbara Borer-Mathys had publicly criticized her party’s communication in early October. In particular, he attacked the style and conduct of the party chairman, Andreas Glarner. On election Sunday, when the SVP lost 1.6 percent of its electoral force, he said that all was well in the SVP of Aargau. “We are not divided at all,” Glarner told Tele M1. “There is only one exponent who acted clumsily. We will address this internally. “
If you ask at the base of the biggest party in Aargau, it sounds a little different. Neither Andreas Glarner nor Pascal Furer wanted to comment on the accusations from within their own ranks. (luk)