Almost a third everybody Dead crown are in the United States black – This was the result of an analysis carried out by the news agency “The Associated Press”. African Americans just do it 13% (as of 2018) of the total US population. USA outside
About this terrifying development to stophave superstar Beyonce Knowles along with yours Mother Tub #IDMYPART released – one Initiativeby the Beyoncés program BeyGood is sponsored and the Contagion rate managed press should.
“Real devastation”
“The virus targets the black community frankly Devastation in. We have to be ours Health urgent Priority grant“writes Tina Knowles-Lawson in the official Press release.
“It is extremely important that we focus on Distance stay More expensive use and as many people as possible tried Those who cannot be tested do not know if he or she is carrying the virus. Especially who none Symptoms shows, often infects the whole Home – and so its Dear“
1000 free test kits
let’s keep going coming Weekend in Beyoncés’ hometown HoustonTexas where 1000 free Test kits as well as masks, gloves, household items and vitamin preparations distributed to be
Beyonces and Tina’s goal is for #IDMYPART to focus on the whole country will expand AND looks good: actors Tyler Perry is organizing the same action to Atlanta – and then it becomes one others Celebrity challenge the all in one other WeCity repeated