Image: AP
The “killer hornet” appears in the United States and causes fear and terror among beekeepers.
Recently, the Asian giant hornet was sighted in the United States and there is a problem for humans and bees. Now the question arises: could the giant insect also come to Switzerland?
The Asian giant hornet was recently seen in the United States, according to the New York Times. This is not only a problem for humans, but especially for bees. Because the giant hornet attacks bees and literally kills them: it rips their heads off their bodies. Hence its middle name: the killer hornet.
In a few hours, the giant Asian hornet manages to eliminate entire colonies of bees. With his lower jaw, he beheaded the bees and flew away with their bodies to feed their young.
The question arises: does the murderer come to Europe for us now? According to the Swiss Bee Health Service, it doesn’t seem like it. Although the “Asian Hornet” appeared a few years ago, it did with the “Asian Hornet” Giantshornet »nothing to do.
image: new york times / ted mcfalls
Sightings in the United States worry insect researchers
One is less relaxed in the United States. After two sightings of the giant hornet in Washington state, the insect researchers were unanimous: They have a problem. “We have to prevent the hornet from getting stuck here,” Chris Looney, an entomologist with the Washington State Department of Agriculture, told the New York Times. “If we can’t do it for years to come, we probably never will.”
With only two sightings, it is almost impossible to identify the origin. How and where the hornets have been located is also difficult to say.
“Most people fear being bitten,” beekeeper Ruthie Danielsen told the New York Times. “We fear they will completely destroy our hives.”
To locate the hornets’ nests, Dr. Looney Traps in the woods. If it manages to catch hornets, the address finder could locate the nest and then destroy it.
The sting is not necessarily fatal
A subspecies of the Asian giant hornet is the Japanese giant hornet. It is considered one of the largest insects in the world. With its 6.25 millimeter long sting, the insect injects a venom with a high concentration of acetylcholine and weakens the immune system of its victims. Even if its sting is not necessarily fatal, according to the source, up to 50 people a year die in Japan from a giant hornet sting, primarily as a result of allergic shock.
The insect, contrary to expectations, is not aggressive without reason. It only deliberately attacks humans in defense of its nest and the stab can be fatal if multiple members of a colony attack it.
YouTuber offered to be stung
Would you volunteer to be stung by a giant Japanese hornet? No? This YouTuber did it. He traveled to Japan to find the local insect.
“Today I am stung by one of the largest hornets in the world,” says YouTuber Coyote Peterson of the “Brave Wilderness” channel, as he bravely poses with the hornet in front of the camera.
In preparation for the stitch, the YouTuber Coyote places the giant hornet in a net so that it can then be held in forceps. That’s just like a great test of courage and it also keeps the viewer enthralled in front of the screen. “My heart is racing a million miles per second and I can’t hold my hand still to grab the hornet,” says Coyote before doing so, shortly after holding the hornet with forceps. After a moment of inspecting the giant bug and mental grooming, he begins: He bravely counts from three and carries the hornet on his arm. A few seconds later you see that the bite penetrates his skin and soon after Coyote screams.
My hand is completely paralyzed. You see The stitch begins to swell after just 45 seconds, “describes her body’s reaction. “When the stinger penetrated my skin, this wave took hold of me and I became very dizzy. The injection site immediately started to burn. After 24 hours, her arm, including her hand, is almost twice as swollen.
screenshot: youtube / brave wild
The coyote has been bitten by a variety of insects. At the time of video filming, the giant hornet was at the top of its stitch pain scale, until a month later the so-called “hangman wasp” pushed the Japanese giant hornet to second place.
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