Europe, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia: In the fight against Corona, heads of state and government around the world have pledged several billion euros to find vaccines and medicines to jointly defeat the deadly virus. Chancellor Angela Merkel only promised 525 million euros at an international donor conference on Monday and said: “It is an hour of hope.” Only the US world power USA It was lacking in the global effort for cheap vaccines and medicines for all.
The head of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, convened the conference online and moderated the announcement on all continents with enthusiasm and an unwavering smile. Initially, she herself promised a billion euros for the EU Commission, a big step towards the official daily target of 7.5 billion euros. Then it continued every minute: $ 850 million from Canada, $ 500 million from France, £ 388 million from the United Kingdom, $ 192 million from the Netherlands, $ 140 million from Italy, etc.
Switzerland contributed CHF 18 million. In her message, the federal president, Simonetta Sommaruga, emphasized how important it is that states around the world have access to diagnoses, medicines and later also to vaccines, such as the Swiss Federal Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication (DETEC) writes in a communication. Solidarity beyond medical care is also needed, the Federal President said. It would not help to save people from the pandemic if they subsequently died of poverty and hunger.
According to the UN, 40 billion euros are needed.
Sometimes there was confusion over the numbers, because the EU Commission, on the way to the total, also accepted the commitments that had been made since January 30. In some cases, it was unclear what was supposed to flow in fresh money, what had been planned for a long time, and what could go on for years. But the € 7.5 billion targeted is just a kind of down payment anyway. The United Nations estimates that it will take five times to actually make vaccines and medicines available to billions of people, around € 40 billion. Another conference will be held in late May.
The main message of the event was different: we unite and join forces against the invisible enemy. Many of the participants found touching words, sometimes pathetic. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who had just recovered from Covid-19, spoke of the “most pressing common cause of our lives”.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said: “When a storm comes, people want to sneak out with their friends and family and wait until it is over. But we cannot isolate ourselves. We cannot expect others to do well while taking care of ourselves. We have to take care of ourselves and the rest of the world. “
Trump has his own crown program
Canada’s southern neighbor, the United States, did not want to represent him so aggressively: the government of United States President Donald Trump remained on the sidelines of the donor conference. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had only one message, one appreciates the efforts of others. A senior United States government official in Washington, at the same time as the donor conference in Brussels, added that the organizations involved also received a large amount of money from the United States government. And: “Our cooperation with our European partners, as well as partners around the world, remains extremely strong.”
Trump had launched his own program a few days ago to develop a speed warp vaccine and make hundreds of millions of doses available to Americans by the end of the year. On Sunday, Trump reiterated that he expected a vaccine later this year, which many researchers doubt. In Europe, there is concern that Trump would primarily supply the United States if the vaccine made a breakthrough there, following the motto “America first.” By the way, Russia was also missing in the virtual appointment of donor countries. China, on the other hand, participated.
Bumps in national solo efforts were heard everywhere at the donor conference. Merkel said the conference was an important signal at a time when cooperation was not always as multilateral as she wished. “Germany will actively participate,” said Merkel. French President Emmanuel Macron said: “Everyone on their own would be a big mistake.” And again and again the message: this virus knows no borders and the world will only be safe if it is contained in all countries.
The EU Commission manages the commitments.
Not only governments, but also international and private organizations, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the coalition of innovations to prevent epidemics, Cepi are involved in the so-called global response. and the Global Alliance of Vaccines and Immunization Gavi.
The funds promised on Monday should only be reserved with the EU Commission. The funds are distributed to researchers in three categories through participating international partners: vaccines, drugs and tests. To do this, beneficiaries must promise open access to results and commit to the goal of making the new funds available to everyone at affordable prices.
According to the EU Commission, more than 70 possible vaccines are currently being investigated worldwide. At least three are being clinically tested. Four billion euros will flow from the donor conference money. Dozens of research teams are simultaneously seeking therapy for Covid-19. The international alliance wants to raise two billion euros for this. € 1.5 billion is earmarked for expanding test options. (SDA)