The wave of games in the SRF does not want to flatten: now the head of the parliamentary office, Christoph Nufer (48), has given notice. In the summer, Bernese changes to the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) as Federal Communications Minister Karin Keller-Sutter (56).
Nufer recently made headlines because she opposed SRF makeup regulations. While figures like Andrea Vetsch (44) and Salar Bahrampoori (41) had to grab the powdered dough, the journalist was renewed by a makeup artist.
“Nufi,” as his workers call him, not only appeared on the news shows as a Bern reporter, but also regularly conducted the “Interview of the Day” at the “Tagesschau” the night before.
Other known departures
Nufer is not the only outstanding game that the SRF has had to face in recent weeks. So recently she cared for the audience Nik Hartmann (47) and “SRF Börse” moderator Patrizia Laeri (42) announced their termination. Both received leadership positions in private media. With Susanne Wille (46), the SRF also loses another flagship. As a new head of culture, she moves behind the camera. (bnr)