Renegotiations are ruled out in the negotiations for a framework agreement between Switzerland and the EU. The EU believes that the agreement will be negotiated after four years, said the German ambassador to Switzerland, Michael Flügger.
Switzerland did not initial the agreement, but published the text and launched a consultation. This led to the contract being talked to the death and particular interests brought to the fore, Flügger said in an interview with the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung.”
The Federal Council informed the EU in August 2019 that it was necessary to clarify three points: the accompanying measures, the Union Citizens Directive and state aid. The EU Commission began negotiations with Switzerland with this expectation. The EU is wrong about it.
Framework agreement with the EU: The Federal Council surrenders(01:02)
Clarifications yes, renegotiations no
Switzerland is seeking renegotiations to achieve immunization of individual building blocks of the agreement. If the EU were to lend a hand, the already meager contract would be devalued. He doesn’t think this is helpful. Clarifications are possible, but the contract cannot be renegotiated in this way.
He perceived the discussion on the framework agreement as highly ideological. He was surprised that the issue divided almost all parties. “In Switzerland, many seem to hope that the EU will have to give more. This creates in the EU the impression that Switzerland wants to negotiate conditions for participation in the internal market that do not even have EU members, ”said Flügger.
There are no other new contracts without a framework agreement
In the negotiations on a framework agreement, the ball is clearly in Switzerland at the moment. There will be a sixth round of talks between Secretary of State Livia Leu and the representative of the EU Commission, Stéhphanie Riso. Obviously, texts are not being negotiated. The EU is concerned about this.
Switzerland has to ask itself what it really wants and to what extent it wants to participate in the national market. The EU cannot accept this decision from Switzerland. Without a framework agreement, there will be no more market access agreements or updates to existing agreements. (SDA)
Agreement without an EU judge? EU Ambassador: “Inconceivable!”(03:37)
Posted: Mar 22, 2021, 5:06 am
Last updated: 22.03.2021, 11 minutes ago