New Liestal train station at risk? – Telebasel


Isn’t Liestal getting a new station building? Although the neighborhood plan was 70% approved in 2017, the city council now sees the project in jeopardy. This was announced in a message on Friday. The reason for the fear: The association “Liestal.orientiert” wants to raise an objection.

City President Daniel Spinnler told Telebasel: “The building inspection has already dismissed all points of the complaint. Now it is the turn of the construction course commission, you can also take it to the cantonal court, that is their right, you can also take it to the federal court, that is also their right. But that could simply mean that the project will not arrive and we wanted to point it out again. “

The new station building can only be built in the time window in which the tracks are free of electricity relative to the four-lane expansion. If the complaint continues, you risk missing this period, Spinnler said.

“Unilateral influence”

“Liestal.orientiert” is only expressed in writing, one of its allegations: the train station no longer looks the same as in the views of 2017. The city has always said very clearly that you vote for the volume and not for the views , counters the mayor of the city.

What “Liestal.orientiert” the city president noted in his press release, “unilateral influence can lead to a change in perception even among other bodies involved in the process.”

Spinnler does not accept this accusation: “You cannot just say, let’s continue our objection in peace and think that there is no political reaction to that.”

Upon request, the construction course commission confirms that a complaint has been filed against the objection decision.
