Beatrice Egli fled to Germany after criticizing Lys Assia’s body


Beatrice Egli (32) is considered the star of the Swiss music industry. But the otherwise cheerful Schwyzerin suffered serious setbacks. A topic that has been hotly debated over and over again: your figure. On the second episode of “Sing my song” on Wednesday night, in which the singer was the center of attention, Egli spoke about body criticism.

When asked by host Seven (42) about his time at the “Folk Music Grand Prix,” the pop star reveals what the competition really did. In 2007 he sang “Tell me where the angels live” for Switzerland together with Lys Assia (1924-2018). The two finished last. It was not an easy time. Because the Grande Dame de la Chanson blamed Egli for the loss because of his weight. “We lost a lot of press because I was too fat and had no experience on stage. And when you’re 18, that’s not healthy, ”says Egli.

Posted: March 12, 2021, 8:48 pm
