FCB coach Sforza protects men after accounting


Ciriaco Sforza is bombarded with questions like a hail shower. Tomorrow’s game against FCL? Almost no problem. Instead, Valentin Stocker dominates the agenda. He has been training individually since yesterday and, according to FCB, he has to deal with muscle problems in the thigh. Despite repeated questions, Sforza does not answer what plans Basler has with his fan favorite, who has been temporarily suspended. “The press release was clear, discussions have taken place, he is in advanced training, when he is back in shape, let’s see what happens next.” Sforza also evades the question of whether Stocker will remain the captain or if Kasami is the new leader. It will be reported as soon as there is something to report.

Sforza kontert Celestini

Posted: March 12, 2021, 4:10 pm
